From Service to Success...

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Moving on from a military career can be a daunting prospect. With TalentOcean, we provide you with the tools to showcase your skills and experience, get support and learn about modern workplace soft skills.

Personalized Career Stories

Stand out with a narrative that showcases your professional journey and future aspirations...

Civilian Resume Builder

Transition your military career into modern workplace positions with TalentOceanAI.

Interactive Portfolio

Highlight your work, projects, and achievements with a portfolio supported by AI Enhancement Tools...

Get Direct Support*

Connect with a Veteran Case Worker to support your transition to the civilian workforce.

Civilian Skills Tools

Access AI resources and tools designed to support your civilian transition, development and job search...

Civilian Career Insights

Generate testimonials and gain insights into suitable roles from your military career background.

*Provided in Partnership

"...provided me with the tools to showcase my skills and talents - and it was so easy to do!"

- Guillaume A

"...helped me to focus on what's important for my career - and what's important to me..."

- Mark N

"...highlighted some key work areas that I hadn't really thought about before - it was all very insightful..."

- Antoine B