TalentOcean has been developed by a team of IT industry professionals. With over 30 years of experience, we know what it takes to find - and make - great resources!

Assessments at the Core: We understand that every individual is more than the sum of their parts and offer unbiased skills assessments and appraisals - helping to uncover strengths and areas for growth.

Appraisals for Career Growth: Across more than 30 soft skills areas, appraisals provide insights directly related to completed assessments, devised to provide guidance and insights at every experience level, within every skill.

Skills-Based Roles: Recruiters and job seekers have never had it so good! Roles on TalentOcean are built using the same skills as the assessments and appraisals - and they include the questions every job seeker wants to ask before they consider applying!

TalentOcean Roles - Job Board

Performance Excellence: Gaining insights into a staff's skills and capabilities is not an easy task, day-to-day. TalentOcean is dedicated to providing line managers with the tools they need to effectively manage the performance areas of their resources, with direct communications and performance improvement planning.

Your TalentOcean - Your Way!

The Platform allows you to choose your own colour scheme - saved to your Profile - so, every time you log in, you get TalentOcean - your way!

Color Settings

Profile Downloads - Edit Your Own!

IT Professionals and Recruiters can have Profiles sent to them in Microsoft Word format. Perfect to send to prospective employers, clients - or to add your CV or Resume!


Online Resources: Take a look at our Live Demonstration to find out how TalentOcean can help individuals and employers assess, appraise, manage employee performance or recruit superior quality candidates through skills-based technologies.